So today was an AWESOME day. In fact, today AND yesterday
were both awesome days with the munchkin. I know, I should probably keep it
down because she’s likely to hear me, laugh a very naughty diabolical sort of
baby laugh, and start to pull out the crazy on me. But really she has been so freakin’
sweet and cute I can hardly stand it!! Like who would have ever thought I’d be
looking forward to (what’s been recently dubbed) “snuggly morning time” with
the nutty little peanut, who insists that at 7 am (and apparently 6:15 this
morning) her bassinet is henceforth completely unacceptable, and thus she must
sleep not just with me, but ON me? I know, totally weird. These last two days
she has been absolutely hilarious! Like her little personality just broke
through the one-track-mind neediness that is infancy, so now I’ve got this cute
tiny person to share my day with. And to top it off it’s been like magical no-humidity
gorgeous heavenly perfection outside (that’s right all of those lovely adjectives
at the very same time.) Can’t you just feel the uncanny level of cheeriness
going on over here? I seriously wish I could just bottle up these last couple
of days and hit repeat on them until the end of time.
And what’s totally weird is that things haven’t been perfect
or even easy. Babygirl’s been teething and so she’s having a hard time nursing,
which has meant lots of popping off the boob to wail at the sky in a very
melodramatic sort of way, or just kind of looking at me with this horribly
pathetic pout like “why mom, why?!”- teething is just plain unfair.
So then what was so good about it? (I mean other than her
extreme level of cuteness, and the insanely perfect weather). For one thing,
getting something done, ANYTHING other than sitting and holding the baby, nursing
the baby, pacing with the baby, rocking the baby, standing whilst nursing the
baby… anything else is a huge exciting accomplishment that totally cheers me
up, and I have done real live things that needed doing a few times this week!!
But what’s really been different is that (by the miraculous
grace of a very good God), I actually let myself off the hook. Shock of all
When I stop walking around like all of the Babybean’s happiness is
completely dependent on me, I actually enjoy pieces of my day- which translates
into having a “good” day.
When I stop looking at her like she’s a very
inconvenient non-formulaic little nutball that makes every single plan I have
go to pot the second her little eyes pop open, I actually enjoy her. And
weirdly enough, when I’m free to enjoy her, I actually get something done along
the way.
In a weird (word of the day I guess) sort of round-about way
I feel like it all has to do with forgiveness.
If I can just forgive myself for
not being able to keep the child from all pain and unpleasantness than I enjoy
being with her.
If I can forgive the munchkin for being unpleasant at various
points during the day and thus making me feel bad about myself as a mom, then I
can enjoy being with her.
Yes, my perfectionism IS showing.
We’re together, her and I, permanently assigned to this
crazy new mama/baby relationship that is totally foreign to both of us, and like all relationships, intrinsically messy. But relationship is good. Some days hellish, some days
cheery, but always good. And even better when it's bathed in GRACE. Here's hoping I remember that tomorrow!
Your post reminded me of this post:
Specifically the part about letting Jesus fill in the gaps. :)